There comes a holy and transparent time when every touch of Beauty opens the Heart to tears.
This is the time the Beloved of Heaven is brought tenderly to Earth. This is the time of the opening of the Rose- Hazrat Inayat Khan

ESSENCE OF THE ROSE is a pathway for a contemporary mystic through the feminine lens with tools of dance, energy cultivation practices, healing and a lived experience of a sacred way of life. A journey rooted in the ancient, flying to its destiny. It is a completely unique compilation of the Rose mysteries and teachings.
Transform from the core to live your full potential with yourself intact, to walk through life in your authentic power and to stand tall in your life purpose.

Throughout times immemorial, the Rose is the symbol of true Love as she evokes memories within us through her beauty and intoxicating scent.
The Rose touches every single one of us.
The Rose is the direct embodiment of the Heart of the Great Mother, the perfect manifestation of the Beauty Way.
The Rose, being deeply mystical, is an open secret to be rediscovered.
The Truth of the Rose can only be experienced between the Lover, the Rose and the Beloved.
Lasting transformation through the scent, petals and thorn of the Rose.
Join Schirin Chams-Diba for a series devoted to the teachings of the ‘Mystical Rose’.
In alignment with the Rose essence, you will be guided through transmissions, activations and sacred embodiment dances to the very Heart of the Rose Mysteries.
We invite you to join us with this Rose Alchemy to:
𓆃 Attune to HER Divine Intelligence
𓆃 Rose mapping to bring you home to yourself
𓆃 Co-weave along the Rose embroidered Fabric of Life
𓆃 Participate in the Rose Dance of Creation
𓆃 Create Rose Magic through your Body Vessel
𓆃 Re-tell the story of your Rose Heart & Soul
𓆃 What is alive within you? The petals, the thorns…
𓆃 Remember why you are the daughter of the Rose Mystery

- Do you yearn for a deeply aligned path that is mystical yet tangible?
The Rose Path is like a sacred map Home to Yourself. The Rose offers structure and yet exploration of your own creative gifts.
-Do you wish for spirituality that is visceral?
The Rose teaches to love the body and to inhabit the spirit right.
- Do you need to transform your Pain into Purpose?
The softness, thorns and inherent Beauty Way of the Rose can give you lasting teachings.
- Do you yearn to find all the answers within Nature and your own Divinity?
The Rose Path is a direct transmission of the Great Mother Energy, the all encompassing path.
- Do you wish to dance with the Mystery and have full trust in your own gnosis?
The Rose is your close ally.
-Do you wish to walk in right relationship with yourself?
The Rose will always teach you.
-Do you yearn for authentic living in your true power?
The Rose gently invites you to be uncompromising in your truth.
- Do you wish for magic and mystery in your life?
The Rose can show you to see beyond the veil in the small and grand.
- Do you wish for a community of kindreds?
The Rose path brings together seekers of the Beauty Way who are not afraid of the ugly.
- Do you wish for the Sacred as a way of Life?
The Rose can deepen your capacities.

Rose curriculum
Rose philosophies & spirituality
Roses across the world
Rose astrology
Rose movement medicine
Rose yoga
Rose sacred dances
Rose magic & alchemy
Rose herbal medicine making
Rose beauty products making
Rose altar making
Rose thorn shadow work

What you will receive:
2 Group Calls per month: New Moon & Full Moon Live Teachings Practices and Rituals
weekly Dance of the Rose series
Certificate of Initiation with 60 Hours of Mystica of the Rose Initiate
Monthly Playlists to suport your Rose soundscapes
Virtual Sacred Space with Class Recordings
Beautiful and unique PDFs that Culminate in a Rose Mysteries Manual with Inquiry sheets and Journal Prompts
Connect with kindred sisters on the Path of the Rose
Sessions will be regularly every Wednesday and Saturday plus the New and Full Moon (times tba)